U.S.-Deutscher Roundtable:

Building Security through Energy Independence

Hybrid BETD Side Event

28. März 2022

Sun&Wind Belt

Die transatlantische Unternehmensinitiative für nachhaltige Energien und CO2-freie Technologien

Sun&Wind Belt ist die erste transatlantische Unternehmensinitiative, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, gemeinsam mit Investoren, Innovatoren, Unternehmen und politischen Entscheidungsträgern aus Deutschland und den USA den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien voranzutreiben. Wir wollen eine Brücke bauen, über die wir Ideen, Know-how und Erfahrungen austauschen und als Verbündete zusammenarbeiten, um die größten wirtschaftlichen Chancen unserer Zeit zu nutzen.

Dan Byers

Dan Byers

Vice President of the Energy Institute of US Chamber of Commerce

Vice President of the Energy Institute of US Chamber of Commerce

“We have a lot of opportunities and face common challenges across the pond at the moment – having a platform to identify and work together on these challenges is a great thing.”

“We have a lot of opportunities and face common challenges across the pond at the moment – having a platform to identify and work together on these challenges is a great thing.”

Vanessa Sciarra

Vanessa Sciarra

Vice President Trade and International Competitiveness at American Clean Power Association

Vice President Trade and International Competitiveness at American Clean Power Association

“We believe that the idea of bringing both the US and Germany closer together on this topic offers a lot of great potential and are happy to support the Sun & Wind Belt to advocate policies both on the national and international level that will help the industries of the future.”

“We believe that the idea of bringing both the US and Germany closer together on this topic offers a lot of great potential and are happy to support the Sun & Wind Belt to advocate policies both on the national and international level that will help the industries of the future.”

Charlie Dent

Charlie Dent

Executive Director and Vice President of the Aspen Institute

Executive Director and Vice President of the Aspen Institute

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is a major step towards the clean energy transition. An initiative of businesses from both sides of the Atlantic will help to build on this groundwork to gain speed and quality both in the U.S. and Germany.”

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is a major step towards the clean energy transition. An initiative of businesses from both sides of the Atlantic will help to build on this groundwork to gain speed and quality both in the U.S. and Germany.”

Jörg Kukies

Charlie Dent

Economic Advisor to Federal Chancellor

Executive Director and Vice President of the Aspen Institute

“Right now, the problem is not the lack of available capital or the willingness to invest – it is the lack of investment projects! Our priority must be to set the right incentives and provide the needed framework in order to increase the number of green transformation projects.”

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is a major step towards the clean energy transition. An initiative of businesses from both sides of the Atlantic will help to build on this groundwork to gain speed and quality both in the U.S. and Germany.”

Christian Kern

Charlie Dent

Managing Partner at The Blue Minds Company, former Chancellor of Austria

Executive Director and Vice President of the Aspen Institute

“We have already lost too much time – policymakers both in the US and Germany must act quickly, eliminate regulatory bottlenecks and drive the energy transition forwards with generous funding and smart regulation!”

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is a major step towards the clean energy transition. An initiative of businesses from both sides of the Atlantic will help to build on this groundwork to gain speed and quality both in the U.S. and Germany.”

Dr. Gerald Podobnik

Charlie Dent

CFO of Deutsche Corporate Bank

Executive Director and Vice President of the Aspen Institute

“Investments in the expansion of renewable energies are characterized by high volatility and a long duration. Therefore, we need to establish reliable framework conditions in order to secure funding for these projects.”

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is a major step towards the clean energy transition. An initiative of businesses from both sides of the Atlantic will help to build on this groundwork to gain speed and quality both in the U.S. and Germany.”


Market Survey: Industrial managers call for more green power

For Germany as a business location, the rapid expansion of renewable energies is critical for the future. This is the conclusion of a survey conducted by the initiative „The Transatlantic Sun&Wind Belt“ together with the opinion research institute Kantar. From October to December 2022, around 250 decision-makers from international corporations and large SMEs were surveyed.

Was wir tun

Sun&Wind Belt hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein nachhaltiges, zukunftsweisendes System zu schaffen, das die Stärken und Erfahrungen beider Länder vereint und den Weg in die Zukunft der Energiewende ebnet.

Wir prägen
die politische Agenda
  • Politisches Agendasetting mit starker öffentlicher Sichtbarkeit
  • Veranstaltungen und Roundtables mit Entscheidungsträgern aus den USA und Deutschland
  • Exklusive Hintergrundgespräche mit politischen Akteuren
Wir bauen
ein starkes transatlantisches Netzwerk auf
  • Robustes und belastbares Netzwerk zwischen Politik und Unternehmen auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks
  • Zusammenarbeit auf mehreren Ebenen und erleichterter Marktzugang
  • Wechselseitig lohnender Know-How-Transfer
Wir bieten
eine Plattform für gemeinsame Lösungen
  • Interaktive Informationsplattform für gemeinsame Lösungen
  • Gemeinsame Erarbeitung konkreter Lösungen für aktuelle Herausforderungen
  • Gegenseitiger Austausch von Best Practices und Business Insights
  • Gegenseitiger Austausch von Erfahrungen und Lernprozessen

Gemeinsam stärker – Unsere Ziele

Lassen Sie uns vereint an dieser Brücke über den Atlantik arbeiten, um die Potenziale der erneuerbaren Energien zu heben und so die Klimaneutralität bis 2050 Realität werden zu lassen – denn den Weg in eine saubere und wirtschaftlich starke Zukunft können wir nur gemeinsam gehen.

Förderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und den USA durch den Aufbau eines starken und belastbaren Netzwerks von Experten und Unternehmen.
Förderung von Maßnahmen und Rahmenbedingungen zur Überwindung von Hindernissen beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien.

Deshalb wollen wir:

  • Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, die einen schnellen und kostengünstigen Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien ermöglichen,
  • die Stromerzeugung um die Sektorkopplung von Mobilität und Wärme erweitern,
  • die Infrastruktur verbessern, um eine ausgewogene Energieverteilung zu ermöglichen,
  • den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien fördern und gleichzeitig die Energiekosten senken,
  • geeignete Marktinstrumente zur Förderung der Investitionssicherheit einführen.

Unser Team

Milan Nitzschke

Milan Nitzschke

Founder and Acting General Secretary

Founder and Acting General Secretary

“Energy transition must finally be taken seriously – therefore we need pioneering companies.”

“Energy transition must finally be taken seriously – therefore we need pioneering companies.”

Milan Nitzschke

Milan Nitzschke

Founder and Acting General Secretary

Founder and Acting General Secretary

“Energy transition must finally be taken seriously – therefore we need pioneering companies.”

“Energy transition must finally be taken seriously – therefore we need pioneering companies.”

Founder and Acting General Secretary

Founder and Acting General Secretary

“Energy transition must finally be taken seriously – therefore we need pioneering companies.”

“Energy transition must finally be taken seriously – therefore we need pioneering companies.”

